yesterday and after I had experienced quite frustrated with a day of shopping at IKEA overcrowded parking lots, I knew not
again so quickly into the fray ..
it was now called, rather in the heavy rain and storm to potter in the house.
calling upon material in such a way as a totally worn armchair.
First, I still believed
away with it, but then
for padding, then sew a slipcover
said today .. .. I have nothing there but a small tool box ..
a few weeks ago I allowed myself the fun, a simple drill battery buy from lidl, then I had ever nice collection of drills nuts, screwdrivers .. Screws, etc. collected cope ... just my own little box ..
and after the dress rehearsal yesterday afternoon hanging with drilling holes in the wall, mirror and picture hanging fits .... and finally attached to a coat rack alone
I did not trust me now ... I take apart the wing chair!
but somehow must be assembled, just an old Ikeamodell ..
and when I had the bottom cut away the material, I saw large wheels nuts ... .. but then .. how to screw the loom ..
with trickery and a flashlight, I managed all.
were suspended above the ears, cheeks like an old bed frame Screws.
and so I had stacked in the end some parts.
Since I have not bought a suit of armor with Tacke versions, I began first to occupy the seat cushion.
new crop and assemble step by step change back .., without a zipper, because the terms I do not want to be able ... (thanks to my sister, it has provided makes me.
you dare! I knew a long time but always pushed in front of me.
Although I have not matched the stripes exactly what I do in the next chair, if I have more practice to cut joining and again am. but at the bottom it does not bother me!
a wing chair that is relative I never. probably old couch a long time ago ---- ---- 40 years ...
here my restless Sunday
I started still very quiet on this morning ...
workshop .. Loom
but then ....
wing chair .. disassemble
Workshop: Sewing
most beautiful dänsichen teak table in the kitchen ..
workshop: the stock room
here waiting for the next round ..
on my old bed from childhood ..
----------- --- it just brings fun, old things back to life and new combine to ...
... and am moved late afternoon I thick rain gear turned on and in spite of continuous rain a great walking round .... was good to can blow the wind around the ears, is indeed here in the inland country is not on my red station house as windy as at my home on the north sea ... the knicks protected me well ...
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